Curriculum Letters
To view the Term 3 2024 Curriculum Letters please click the following links.
Kindy Pre-primary Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
School Information Book
Parent information booklets are provided for your interest and to provide you with information which we trust will contribute to your child settling in quickly and making a happy start at our school. Parents are always welcome at our school and we encourage your involvement. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any information you may require or about any issues you wish to discuss.
Subiaco Primary School has a clear vision and purpose, striving to be recognised as a school focusing on excellence in teaching – learning, participation and breadth of community involvement. Through our motto “Our Best” we aim to provide the best possible education for each child who attends our school, ensuring they develop a broad range of skills to enable them to develop responsibility for their own direction and to adapt to a changing world.
Kindergarten and Pre-primary Information Books
Welcome parents and children to our Kindergarten at Subiaco Primary School. We hope this will be a happy and rewarding beginning for you and your child in your association with our school. This booklet is for your information to let you know all about the Kindergarten year. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions regarding information in this booklet or about any aspect of the program. We look forward to establishing partnerships with parents/guardians so together we take on the responsibility of teaching and guiding your young child.
Purposeful play is a powerful medium for learning. Children need opportunities to choose from a wide variety of activities, materials and equipment that will stimulate, challenge and involve them in interesting tasks. Experiences we plan for the children will be open ended so they can explore, create, change, build, construct, destruct, discover and investigate for themselves.
The main aim of our program is to make your child’s first contact with school a happy and satisfying experience, which will help to establish positive attitudes to learning. We aim to encourage the development of your child’s confidence, concentration and social skills, to foster their imagination and creativity and help build their self-esteem. By providing a rich variety of experiences, we feel the Pre-Primary year will help to form a broad base on which to build your child’s formal learning.
Kindergarten School Information BookPre-primary Information Book