Assessment Policy
Assessment is the process of gathering, analysing and interpreting quality information about student learning. Assessment is the purposeful, systematic and ongoing collection of information appropriate to the age and development for the students. Assessment is also demonstrably fair, valid, comprehensive, explicit and educative.
Attendance Policy
As a WA Government school, Subiaco Primary School must monitor and manage student attendance in order to maximise the opportunities of all students to learn.
Regular and consistent school attendance and participation are essential for all student’s social and academic learning. Subiaco Primary School expects students to attend school regularly and to participate fully to gain maximum benefit from schooling. Regular attendance enables students to access a full education, enabling them to reach their full potential.
Regular and consistent school attendance and participation are essential for all student’s social and academic learning. Subiaco Primary School expects students to attend school regularly and to participate fully to gain maximum benefit from schooling. Regular attendance enables students to access a full education, enabling them to reach their full potential.
Behaviour Management In School Policy
We believe that the environment should be safe and caring for all members of the school community. Bullying, violence and harassment are not tolerated in any circumstances because they infringe on our fundamental rights to safety and fair treatment.
Class Placement Policy
Individual class placements can have significant effects on students’ attainments and must primarily be based on professional judgements of the child’s educational needs, circumstances and interests.
Communication Guidelines
At Subiaco Primary we strive for positive and purposeful communication that is timely and easily accessible to relevant audiences. We create a connected community when we share information, model respect and give consistent messages.
Complaints Management Policy
Quality management of a complaint goes beyond simply complying with policy. When we handle a complaint well, we give expression to our motto Our Best.
As a parent or care giver you play a vital role in your child’s learning. Building a positive relationship between home and school plays an important part in the education of your child.
As a parent or care giver you play a vital role in your child’s learning. Building a positive relationship between home and school plays an important part in the education of your child.
Composite Classes Guidelines
Schools are staffed based on student enrolment numbers. Composite classes are usually formed because of the uneven pattern of enrolments at the school. Composite classes are common and Subiaco Primary School, along with many of our neighbouring Primary Schools have had composite classes over many years.
Crunch & Sip
Crunch&Sip® break is a set break for students to eat fruit or salad vegetables and drink water in the classroom. Subiaco Primary School has introduced Crunch&Sip® to support students to establish healthy eating habits whilst at school.
Healthy Eating Policy
To promote a culture that fosters healthy eating habits of students at the school. To comply with Department of Education guidelines on healthy eating. To ensure teachers, students, parents and visitors are informed about the healthy eating guidelines and the school’s approach to implementing these.
Homework Policy
Homework is a purposeful out of class learning that seeks to enhance the extent to which children benefit from their education.
Internet Code of Conduct
All students and parents/guardians must sign a Digital User Agreement to allow their child to access digital technologies, media tools and digital learning environments established or accessed by Subiaco Primary School.
Download Yr 4-6 Digital User AgreementDownload Messaging and Social Media Agreement
Interschool Teams Selection Policy
The Interschool Selection Committee agrees that the best athletes should have the opportunity to represent their school.
Mobile Phones Policy
Mobile phones are important modern day communication tools, essential in providing a safe and effective school environment. However, they can easily be improperly used, lost or damaged and must therefore be effectively managed. Students are encouraged to use the school telephones under supervision should the need arise with mobile phones available to children for use before and after school hours.
Nut Minimisation Policy
We have students who have been medically diagnosed with the potential to suffer a sudden, severe and potentially fatal allergic reaction to nuts. This is known as anaphylaxis. Even trace amounts of nuts can cause anaphylaxis. Most life threatening reactions occur hen nuts are eaten. Serious reaction can also occur from skin contact and inhalation of nut particles.
Students at Educational Risk (SAER)
Subiaco Primary School identifies, responds to and supports the diverse needs of all students so that they are able to engage with the content and standards defined in the Western Australian Curriculum and in accordance with the Western Australian Department of Education Students at Educational Risk in Public Schools Policy and Procedures.
School Dress Code
Subiaco Primary School has established a Dress Code for the following reasons. A School Dress Code: Assists in building a school identity, assists in building school and team spirit, encourages equity between students by reducing peer pressure, contributes to student safety, comfort and well-being, and is a cost-effective option for parents.
Sponsorship Policy
From time to time Subiaco Primary School has approaches from outside organisations and individuals seeking to advertise their products or to make a contribution to a particular program or project undertaken by the school. There are also opportunities where the school might welcome the assistance of outsiders in launching an educational endeavour or marketing particular highlights of the school’s program.
Student Health Care Policy
Subiaco Primary School promotes student health, supports student health care needs, and identifies and minimises health risks within the context of the schools’ resources.
Student Leaders Policy
Our aim is to promote equity and inclusivity when selecting school leaders. All students are given the opportunity to become school leaders during their graduating year.
SunSmart Policy
Subiaco Primary School’s SunSmart Policy is intended to provide students, staff, parents and visitors with the opportunity to protect themselves in an environment that minimises UV exposure and encourages sun safe protective behaviours.
Sustainability Policy
Subiaco Primary School is committed to a whole-school approach to environmental education, of which waste minimisation and litter reduction plays a vital role. We believe that the teaching and learning environment should be safe, caring and clean for all members of the school community.
Volunteer Policy
To provide clear guidelines for staff and volunteers regarding the involvement of volunteers in activities auspiced by the school. To comply with current legislative requirements in relation to working with children.
Working With Children Policy
To provide safe environment for students at the school. To ensure that school staff, parents, relatives, visitors and volunteers comply with the Working with Children legislation.