Students who have English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) will be supported at Subiaco Primary School, within a mainstream setting, to assist in becoming capable users of Standard Australian English (SAE) for social and learning purposes.
Download Helping Your Child to Learn EnglishDownload Contacts for Enquiring about English for Adults

Information Booklets for Parents
(Click on the links below for information brochures in the stated languages.)
Healthy food and drink choices – tips for parents and carers
Arabic Burmese Dari Dinka English Farsi Hindi Indonesian Karen Korean
Simplified Chinese Swahili Tagalog Thai Tigrinya Vietnamese
Learning at home booklets 0-4 years
Arabic Burmese Dari Dinka English Farsi Hindi Indonesian Karen Korean
Simplified Chinese Swahili Tagalog Thai Tigrinya Vietnamese
Helping your child learn maths
Arabic English Indonesian Korean Simplified Chinese Tagalog Vietnamese
Helping your child learn to read
Arabic English Indonesian Korean Simplified Chinese Tagalog Vietnamese
Helping your child learn to spell
Arabic English Indonesian Korean Simplified Chinese Tagalog Vietnamese