NAPLAN Reports

NAPLAN reports have arrived and were sent home with your child this afternoon. Since 2023, NAPLAN results have been reported against proficiency standards, Exceeding, Strong, Developing and Needs Additional Support. These proficiency standards provide clear...

Concert Ticket Sales Now Available

WAGSMS (WA Government Schools Music Society) concert – Term 3 – Tuesday 6 August at Crown Theatre. Ticket sales for our concert night will open on Monday 17 June.  Please use the link below to book through Ticket Master....

2024 PEAC Testing

In Term 3 all Year 4 students will participate in the assessment for the PEAC Program. Testing at Subiaco Primary School will occur on Wednesday 31 July 2024. If you do not wish your child to be included in the PEAC assessment, please notify the school in writing...

Parent and Child Volunteer Declaration Form

We are grateful to all the parents who generously volunteer their time and energy to support our school community. I am writing to inform you of an important change to the Working with Children Check legislation, which helps keep our students safe. This change applies...

Online Safety Hub

We are very pleased to announce that our school has partnered with Australia’s leading cyber safety experts, ySafe by LineWize, to provide our parents, students, and teachers with the best possible cyber safety education support. As a part of our partnership with...